Adventure Cycling Association contracted with Toole Design Group to survey and interview state departments of transportation, volunteers, and bicycle advocates that have worked to implement U.S. Bicycle Routes in their states. The resulting reports provide models and recommendations for planning, designating, signing and promoting U.S. Bicycle Routes across the country.
Phase I: Planning and designating U.S. Bicycle Routes
U.S. Bicycle Route System: Surveys and Case Studies of Practices from Around the Country (pdf)
- Surveys document various accomplishments and challenges of designating and signing USBRs.
- Case studies illustrate lessons learned and show how agencies and their partners have worked collaboratively with state and local jurisdictions.
- Tools, criteria, and other resources are documented along with recommendations for successful USBR designation.
Phase II: Signing, mapping, and promoting U.S. Bicycle Routes
Best Practices for Signing, Mapping, and Promoting U.S. Bicycle Routes (pdf)
- Surveys document the status of signing and promoting USBRs.
- Case studies provide examples of successful promotional activities and lessons learned, including events, mapping, and signing projects.
- Resources and links are included to show examples of sign plans, promotional event coordination models, and navigable bicycle maps and route narratives.
- Successful models show other state and international bicycle networks and tourism promotions to draw from for future coordination and promotion.